Management and staff monitor children's development meticulously, which enables them to identify and immediately address where children need extra support.
Children are very eager to take part in a broad range of rich learning experiences. The well-qualified staff use their expert knowledge to plan highly challenging activities, skilfully linked to children's interests and learning priorities.
The providers and management team are extremely dedicated and passionate about providing high-quality care and education for all children. They have an accurate understanding of where the nursery's strengths are. They rigorously review all aspects of the nursery's policies and procedures, working in conjunction with the staff team, parents and children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective. Staff are very clear in their knowledge and understanding of how to keep children safe and well protected.
Children are highly motivated to learn, are eager to join in and try new experiences, showing a great enthusiasm for learning.
Staff have an excellent knowledge how children learn, they expertly adjust their teaching and engagement in activities to the children's age and interest